Board of Directors
The governance of Pisayian rests with the Board of Directors. Only Active and Associate Members of Pisayian may be eligible to serve as Directors. The number of Directors is determined by the Board. Diversity in representation from different campuses, batches, professions and locations is encouraged. No more than twenty percent (20%) of the Board may be representatives from any one batch. Each Director holds office for two years.
The President may form standing and special committees as may be deemed necessary for the proper functioning of Pisayian. The Board approves the formation of the standing committees at any Board meeting. The President, subject to approval of the Board, appoints the Chair of the standing and special committees, unless otherwise specified in our Bylaws. Whenever possible, each committee shall be composed of at least one Director and at least three (3) active Pisayian members. The Chairs of each of the standing and special committees prepare formal reports to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the regular members during the Alumni Convention, as well as committee updates during monthly meetings of the Board. The standing committees listed below have been formed as permanent standing committees. If you are interested in joining a committee, please email the appropriate committee below.
We thank you in advance for sharing your skills, ideas and time with us.
Education and Research
The main function of the Education and Research Committee is to coordinate Pisayian’s efforts in maintaining the high standards of research and academic excellence in the PSHS System. This Committee is responsible for serving as or overseeing the Selection Committee for scholarships, depending upon the circumstances in any particular year.
The Membership Committee maintains membership data on Pisayian members and encourages participation in Pisayian programs and activities. The Chair of the Membership Committee is the Pisayian Secretary. The committee is responsible for furnishing and certifying information on members at the request of the Board. The committee is responsible for maintaining an updated list and directory of the names and e-mail addresses of all members who have paid their annual and lifetime membership dues.
The Finance Committee prepares and presents monthly financial reports to the Board and proposes the annual budget to the Pisayian Board of Directors for approval. It is responsible for developing programs to protect Pisayian's assets. The Chair of the Finance Committee is the Treasurer, assisted by the Auditor. The Finance Committee is composed of only Directors.
The Grants Committee is tasked with all activities related to the review of proposals for program and scholarship grants, in accordance with the Pisayian Grantmaking Policy. The Committee’s main responsibilities are:​
1. To accept and review applications and proposals for program and scholarship grants
2. To interact with applicants during the review process
3. To develop recommendations and present them to the Pisayian Board for final decision
4. To draft grant agreements
5. To accept and analyze reports from grant recipients
6. To maintain all records pertinent to grants
The Governance Committee consists of between two and five Directors and any additional members appointed by the Board. The Governance Committee conducts annual evaluations of the Board; conducts Board training; identifies potential Director candidates throughout the year; conducts any outreach to potential new Directors; develops and oversees the nomination and election process for each Annual Meeting; and responds to governance concerns as they may be raised from time to time by the Board or the membership. The Governance Committee shall consider amendments to Pisayian's Certificate and Bylaws